Thursday, November 12, 2009

Let's Begin at the Beginning

I am writing to chronicle my experience in learning to ride a motorcycle. I've been riding for a few years now, but I plan on reliving my trials and tribulations while on the path to motorcycling competence. I think of myself as a perpetual intermediate rider—I've got enough miles to feel comfortable in different settings, on different surfaces, at different speeds.

When I started riding I figured I'd enjoy it; I thought I'd be proud of myself for learning something new. It was a challenge that I was eager to tackle, and I knew I'd feel pretty darn cool being able to tell people that I rode a motorcycle. I didn't expect, however, to become COMPLETELY hooked! From day 1 I caught the bug, and I've never looked back (partly because looking back requires turning your head, which I couldn't really do on the moto at first....).